In Japanese mythology and art, tigers are often depicted as powerful, fearless and noble creatures, capable of protecting against evil spirits and negative energy and overcoming any obstacles. The tiger is also one of the signs of the Chinese zodiac, which has been adopted in Japanese culture. People born in the year of the tiger are considered strong, independent and brave. Tigers are often depicted in Japanese painting. Artists try to convey the grace and power of this animal using various techniques and styles. Images of tigers often decorate traditional Japanese screens and scrolls. In samurai culture, tigers symbolize military valor and fortitude. Samurai often used images of tigers on their armor and banners to emphasize their strength and fearlessness. The Tiger was carved from boxwood, length 7 cm, width and height 3.7 cm, mother-of-pearl inlay for eyes, Yashabushi - tinted. January, 2025. Private collection, USA.